Wednesday, May 09, 2007

What if you could do what you want to do - all the time!

Does anyone have that luxury? Last night at the Quilt Guild was a woman who makes beautiful quilts, Alice Means. Her quilts were stunning. She is retired and lives in CT and FL. I mean I guess she is retired. I took pixs of her quilts but they are on my computer at home. Anyway, everyone is pieced & quilted beautifully, with all the techniques I want to try but haven't. But she has shown me that I don't have to make the ENTIRE quilt the minute I decide to. I can make some of it - set it aside - come back later when I get another idea to add to it. That is what makes them unique. And her extras, the couching, the hand embroidery, the hand applique, the beading. Wow! If only I had that much time...and now it is worse, because Jeff built me my little lanai outback and we sit there every night watching TV. I don't want him to think I don't appreciate it, so I don't sew. But if I could get to the point where I have some hand work, then I could do that out there.

I did sew one of Bryson's hats this weekend (he is my new grandson). It came out so darned cute! Now I have to cut and sew all the other one & Danny's "diaper bag" for hiking. Oh, and I have to finish Danny's quilt. I did one square, now only a bunch more to go. They are moving back on Memorial Day weekend - so I had better get cracking! No time tonight - Corvette Club meeting. I have participated with Jeff lately, so I had better go tonight. Then on Sat. the club is going to a castle here in Florida, so we will be gone all day doing that. Sunday is Andy, my son's 30th birthday. He is Jeff's boy and Vicki is my girl - they are both 30 this year - the twins. Any way, we are having a party for him. Vicki reminded me it is also Mother's Day! I didn't even think of that. Thankfully, I already sent both Mom's cards!!!

Also, I bought some precut quilt pieces for stack & wack quilts that I am going to sew together & then do something fun with. Also, I want to enter some quilt challenges this year. Holy canoli!

At the retreat I learned a good trick for applique - Do you own a Sizzix (or however you spell it). Then iron on fusible web to the back of your fabrics and run them through your Sizzix or other Diecut machine, then remove the backing when you are ready to place them. Instant cut out appliques!

Well, the smoke is gone from our air. Yesterday it was like we had had a fire in our back yard, but now it has cleared out. I do not remember it EVER being this cool in May for as long as I have lived here. 26 years! Also, there is a tropical storm forming already up off the coast of N. Florida. This is good, because the rain can put out the fires, but it is very early. Usually doesn't happen until 6/1. Oh my.

Another thing I did yesterday was give my daughter almost all of my credit cards. That should curb the shopping at the quilt stores. I sure hope so anyway.

Alright, rattled on enough. Will be posting some "work" soon. Otherwise, take a look over on my Flickr site for the quilts from the retreat and some car pix from the show last weekend. Peace KB

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