Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Too many projects

I have too many projects in the mix - I am kind of overwhelmed - again. My son is coming home on May 31 and I wanted to have his quilt done by then. Also, I have 2 St. Jude's donation quilts that must be done in July. I have signed up for a Dahlia class on 6/6 and 3 classes at the Scrapbook convention on 6/8 & 9 plus crop night. I have several projects to make for my grandson Bryson - who will be here on May 30. I have a McKenna Ryan wall hanging that I am making for me. A couple of kaleidoscope quilts that I am throwing together. I have vowed to do machine embroidery every night, so I am working on a Wild!flower's quilt. Not to mention all the shirts I have sitting there waiting to be embroidered. Oh, and I need to put a sleeve on my daughter's round quilt so she can hang it. I have my felter I want to use more - esp. to make little dogs with their own hair and wool.

Plus I have my full time job and a husband and a house that occasionally demands a little attention. And then there is American Idol and a couple of other shows that I watch. And all my books, books full of ideas and things to do that I haven't done yet but want to sooo badly. And did I mention my 6 dogs. And my 7 kids and my 9 grandkids. Deep breath...plus I even have a small social life and a few great friends who I like to spend time with. And the quilt guild and the up coming quilt shows that I want to go to.

You know - I am just like you!

We are going to Spain in September. Costa Blanca. I have contacted the owner of a quilt store in Alciante (close to the town we are staying in on the Mediterranean, Denia) and I can't wait to see what kind of fabrics and patterns they have, and what else they do. I looked at the pictures they have there, and I think they must be in Florida. www.patch-alacant.com

Additionally, I want to write in my blog more and participate more in at least my newest Yahoo group, take more photos, see more places, make more friends. Read more books, read more web pages, make more money. Holy Canoli - I a need to just go chill with the old man and have some more fun.

Peace - KB

1 comment:

bookwraps by suz.com said...

oh boy! I can relate to this Karrel...VBG...you go girl!