Tuesday, March 20, 2007

So much for one blog

Finished! Front, originally uploaded by karrelbuck.

So much has happened since last I wrote. I finally broke down & put the binding on my Cigar Quilt. It is so pretty. I put it on the bench in my office, so I can keep my eye on it! You can check it out more here: http://flickr.com/photos/karrelbuck/sets/72157594412309696/

Also, I am almost finished with the New York Beauty top - that will be done tonight & then it is sandwiching & quilting! Vicki's birthday is Monday - will I have it done by then? http://flickr.com/photos/karrelbuck/sets/72157594448573350/

Also, as you read previously I was machine embroidering. After the disaster Sat. night, Sunday morning I put a little shirt together for Hope. Amazing, I can find a lot of designs with Hope's name in it! Hope & her shirt
The design I bought online - and to all you digitizers out there, please put a text file with designer information so I can remember who designed it and where I got it. It is from the same folder as the Heron I did for my mother in law. Now I have to do all the other shirts!

Now for the most ironic thing. I am a treasure mapper. If you don't know what that is, just ask me. Well, I did a treasure map back in the first part of 2004. I couldn't find a picture of the Silver Corvette I wanted , so I used one of a blue convertible, even though I did not want that. I got the silver Corvette that summer. This year, we were looking for a silver Corvette convertible and our guy showed us a 2004 Commenrative LeMans edition that we fell in love with and bought. Now realize, I haven't really looked at my treasure map in a while, as I have already attained most of what is on there. Well, I passed it Sat. night and sitting there on the sheet is the exact same car we just bought! Color & all. God is so good!
My last "map"

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