Saturday, March 17, 2007

sometimes it is just better to SCREAM

Today I bought shirts for all my grandkids to embroider. I started with Kaitlyn's, as hers will need to be mailed. It was late in the day when I started. First I couldn't get the software for the embroidery machine to open. Finally, 30 minutes later it opened and Jeff wanted me to go get chicken. So down the street (abt 2 miles) to KFC I go. When I come home - my order is NOT in the bag (gee, & I even thought - You'd better check it!). Back I went. I ate it and then went back in to start embroidering. Then the machine wouldn't work. It just kept beeping at me. 30 min later, all is moving along. Then I decided I want to use 2 strands of thread for the Unicorn's magic horn - one being a metalic. So what happens? I thread booger grows underneath the design, AND the needle broke! So I cut it out and get all the thread out, change the needle (no easy task because I honestly do have Big BONES and I can't wear bracelets or change sewing machine needles. Also, I have to use tweezers just to grab the thread once I get those TINY eyes threaded.) I get a needle caught in my finger, which bleeds like a stuck pig. Off to find a band aid. Then I notice that the shirt may have shifted a little, but when I do the unicorn's horn (1 thread this time), it seems to be in the correct place. So I go on to the baby brother unicorn and it just doesn't look placed right, but I let it run. Except the thread breaks 8 times. Then the needle breaks. So I tell the stupid machine it wins. Thank God I only paid $5 for the shirt (wishing I had started on one of the $1.19 shirts instead). Tomorrow is another day.

Man oh man...

I did attend a Sulky seminar today ( Very informative - hence my try to embroider with the metalic thread. Better read the book I guess. Happy Saturday to you!

Peace KB

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