Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Why I blog

Fishmats for Elke & Frank

I was telling my daughter Nicole why I started blogging and I thought maybe I would share it with you too. There are blogs where people just post daily musings, other people complain in every blog, some people have challenges and lessons and other people just post funny stuff. But I started a blog so I could meet other quilters. You see I belong to groups and I always quit because I can't post 24/7 and when I do, you rarely get a response because they become cliques so quick. I started Yahoo 360 because I had a Yahoo account. After I started it I found that all the quilters were on Blogger, so I made a shadow blog there and attempted to join a Ring. Well, somehow I never made it into the Ring so no one ever sees that blog.

After writing about quilting I also asked my friends to join so that they could keep up with me. Then I started looking around, at first asking everyone to be my friend until I realized I could just add them without inviting them. I still go to someone's blog and search through their friends. Now I have so many I watch I almost don't have time to do anything anymore. And with Christmas coming I just don't have enough time to read all I want to read and write and quilt. So it has become another thing to do.

But I really like it, I like connecting with people all over the world, I find that amazing. I still wish I had some more quilting friends, if you know any - send them over my way. I wish I could go and read everyone's blog and comment on them all. But I can't, but I try to read all the people on my list every time they have a "new blog" entry, even if I don't comment, I am reading them.

Oh, another thing I am addicted to is Flickr. I love it. Another way to connect with people around the world. But so few quilters (seems most of them are on WebShots). People, if you quilt - contact me, be my friend.

Take care - and see that picture above, those are the placemats I made for my sister Elke in Germany. Her husband and son love to fish, so I thought them ap pro po. Also, I have to make the coasters, they are circles and I think they look like bubbles, so I may make them out of bubble looking fabric - to be different. The patters is Fishmats by Hilary M. Gaul in Melbourne FL (looks like she made the patter in 1993!).


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