Saturday, September 16, 2006

12:48 pm - taking a break - here is an update on my progress


I have busy sewing away.  I only stopped about 10:30 or so to take a few pics.  But now I had to stop and have a little lunch. A Super Crunchy Peanut Butter sandwich and a mini-Fanta.  Yum.  Here are pictures of my progress on Pam's quilt so far.  I could really bat, back and quilt it now and I think it would look great, but there are so many more fun things to do to the top.  Just wait and see.  You will also see a few of my ham dogs got in the pictures too! 


First break (btw - the pix on top is as it looks now, with borders) Image

Some of the details (so far) Image Image

Miss Mayzie May Image

Miss KieChi Mae Image

Rowdy the Wonder dog (Still smiling for the camera) Image

and our oldest boy, Tuff Image

Traveler is a sissy and when I flicked the quilt top to straighten it out it makde a loud noise so he ran away. Scout is deaf so he didn't even notice we were all in the bedroom. OK, gonna go sit on the couch for a few min and maybe take a nap. The TV is off, Jeff is fishing and I am all alone, it is wonderful!!! No TV poker or car shows - HOORAY!

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