Sunday, March 04, 2007

Quilt show today

DSCF0124, originally uploaded by karrelbuck.

Vickie & I went to the Quilter's Crossing of Palm Harbor (FL) quilt show today and saw some very awesome quilts. Especially this one, please view my Flickr set to see some of the quilts. This was a large quilt and they used pictures of family members to depict a day by the river. I can't wait to make one for our family, but they like to camp so I will make it camping.

I am tossed about blogs. I have a Yahoo 360 blog that I had decided not to use anymore at the first of the year. But I find Blogger hard to use. Plus I don't have any friends on Blogger. And I got too many on Yahoo, I just couldn't read everyone's blog, write my own and do my quilting. Plus I wanted to be connected to other quilters and I am not finding them on 360, but there are tons on Blogger. Oh the delima.

Maybe I will try using Blogger for a while again and see how it goes.

OK, off I go, to find some friends on Blogger. Peace KB

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